Wednesday, June 8, 2011

dogs mating

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  • lazycis
    12-25 09:12 PM
    Hello lazycis,

    I have a quick question. Many of our PD were current in July 2007. If our names are stuck in FBI name check for 2 yrs, can we file for WoM? Please advise. Many of us are under the impression that the our PD dates have to be current at the time of WoM and our namecheck should be stuck at FBI atleast for 1 year during which the PD date is current. In other words, the PD date should be current over a period of 12 months at the time of filing WoM.

    Q 2. Is there any limit countrywise, for issuing GC?

    Thanks in advance.

    If you are stuck in name check over a year and PD was current, you can file WOM. Add the Secretary of State (Rice) as a defendant. Check this order where the court ordered the government to issue visa numbers (!) to long-delayed AOS applicants.

    Q2. Yes, see 8 USC 1151, 8 USC 1153. Check this thread for details.

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  • vxg
    10-17 03:02 PM
    I have applied for my EAD and I-485 in the month of June '07 and all that i have recieved so far is my wife's EAD. I still did not recieve my EAD nor the finger prints notice nor the 485 yet. I have to move to IL from TX now and i am in a big confusion now. I heard that the mails from the USICS will not be forwarded to any new address by the USPS. If i would want to change my address with the USCIS now will it be a good move or is there any other alternative that you all could suggest me...Please advice me on this issue and help me out of this situation.


    You can actually call IO at USCIS and get address updated if you are in the system.

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  • yabadaba
    06-21 09:50 AM
    we can only guess

    i would assume cases that are not substitute labor, porting priotity date, cross chargeability, clear birth certificates, clear employer verification letter, no namecheck issues, no fingerprinting issues, etc

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    02-03 01:23 PM
    I have a question.

    I am EB3 with priority date Oct. 2006. My qualification from India is 3 years (B.Com) plus 1 year of (I didn't complete the 2nd year) plus Intermediate ICWA and Chartered Accountancy. I got here in the USA in December 1999 on H1B and always maintained the status. I completed CPA in 2002 in the USA.

    I did some research to port to EB2 (based on Bachelors degree plus 5 years experience) but it seems that USCIS wants 4 years continuous degree to be considered for EB2.

    Is that true? Is there anyone in my situation who has done this porting successfully?

    Any help will be greatly appreciate.

    Thank you,

    I also have 3 years bachelors. My lawyer told me that EB2 cannot be approved with 3 years bachelors and even if we try we are taking risk of having USCIS dig approved Eb3 labor and I140.


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  • Jaime
    09-04 10:40 AM
    With 100,000 already gone, and with frustrations growing at a boiling point, the pressure being applied upon us will force us onto the path of least resistance. How long before we are all gone? If you are an American reading this, did you know that every other industralized country faces declining population? Do you really want the future population growth of the U.S>to come solely from illegal Salvadorean maids? Do you wnat the high-skilled people to move away to China and India and then see your quality of life deteriorate?

    U.S. faces decline in skilled workers
    New study says the wait for a green card frustrates immigrants.
    By Madhusmita Bora, Times Staff Writer
    Published August 23, 2007

    The only barrier stalling Arun Shanmugam's ascent in the corporate world is a small card that would proclaim him a permanent resident of the United States.

    The green card, which isn't green in color, would help him snag the next best opportunity, launch his own company, and enjoy homestead tax rebates.

    So, this year the Tampa software engineer joined a queue of more than 300,000 immigrants vying for the coveted card. But a severe backlog is forcing high-skilled workers to question their American dream.

    On Wednesday, a Kansas-based private, nonpartisan foundation released a study warning that America could face a sizable reverse brain drain unless the government eases visa restrictions, increases the quota and speeds up the process. The Kauffman Foundation said that there are more than 1-million skilled immigrants including doctors, engineers, and scientists competing for the approximately 120,120 green cards issued each year.

    The uncertainty of the process and the imbalance in the demand and supply could trigger a trend of highly trained immigrants returning to their country and moving elsewhere.

    "It's the first time in American history that we are faced with the prospect of a reverse brain drain," said Vivek Wadhwa, Wertheim fellow with the Harvard Law School and a co-author of the study.

    "There are so many business opportunities in Shanghai and Bangalore, why put up with all the immigration crap?"

    Many of the green card applicants are on a six-year H-1 B visa. The non-immigrant work permit keeps them wedded to a single employer. Immigrants who have applied for a green card can continue working on an extended H-1 B visa until the card arrives. But they can't change employers, or start their own companies. Their wait time is open-ended, made longer by a Congress-mandated quota for the visas and severe backlogs in the system.

    Frustrated with the system, in the last three to five years, 100,000 highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants have returned to their home country, Wadhwa said.
    In a fiercely competitive global economy, this is the worst time for such an exodus, experts say.

    "Our previous studies document that highly skilled workers accounted for one quarter of all successful high-tech start-ups in the last decade," said Robert Litan, vice president of research and policy at the Kauffman Foundation. "If we send a lot of these people back home, we will lose a disproportionate number of entrepreneurs."

    And the ripple affects are already emerging in the Tampa Bay area.

    "It's a huge problem," said Ray Weadock, CEO and president of Persystent Technologies. "The guys in Washington don't think much and their initial reaction is this will impact Cisco and Microsoft."

    But smaller companies take a bigger hit, because they don't often have the capital to send jobs to where the labor is, Weadock said. Weadock's company, which employs Shanmugam, is toying with the idea of setting up a subsidiary in India.

    Companies aren't the only ones chasing the labor market. Schools and universities are also jumping into the wagon. The population of international students in MBA programs across the country continues to dwindle, said Bob Forsythe, dean of the College of Business at University of South Florida.

    "And the demand for American business schools to go deliver programs in other countries have increased," he said.

    Harvard University and Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management are among a growing number of schools that have a presence in India. At USF, Forsythe's team is negotiating a venture in Romania.

    The visa problems here have encouraged governments worldwide to ease visa restrictions in their countries and nab the high skilled workforce.

    "There's a lot of mention of Canada," said Chandra Mitchell, an immigration attorney with Tampa-based Neil F. Lewis.

    Amar Nayegandhi, a USF graduate and a contract employee with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been waiting for his green card since 2002.

    He may soon give up, he said. The long wait has cost him job opportunities, forced upon him a commuter marriage and restricted his economic mobility. His H1-B visa runs out in February, and even though he can extend it and continue awaiting the green card, he's contemplating leaving the country.

    "I have friends who have gone back simply frustrated with the setup," he said. "I am asking myself if this is really worth it."

    Shanmugam of Persystent Technologies says he, too, will only wait for about a year before considering giving up his spot in the line and heading back to his native India.

    "This is not the only place to be anymore," he said. "You can find better opportunities everywhere."

    By the numbers
    200,000: Employment-based applicants waiting for labor certification in 2006 - the first step in the U.S. immigration process.
    50,132: Pending I-140 applications - the second step of the immigration process. That's seven times the total in 1996 of 6,743.
    125,421: Estimated applicants residing abroad who were waiting for permanent residency status.
    100,000: Estimated number of highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants who have returned to their home country in recent years.

    Highlights of Kauffman Foundation reports
    - Foreign nationals are contributing to one out of four of all the global patents filed in the United States.
    - One quarter of all tech companies nationwide and 52 percent of tech companies in the Silicon Valley were founded by immigrants.
    - More than 1-million skilled workers and their families (scientists, doctors, engineers, Ph.D. researchers) are waiting for green cards. About 120,0000 green cards are issued each year with a 7 percent limit per country.
    -Hundreds of thousands of skilled immigrant workers may get frustrated with the waiting process that could be 6 to 10 years and leave the United States. The reverse brain drain could be critical to Americans corporations and hurt the country's competitiveness in a global economy.
    - Immigrant-founded companies produced $52-billion in revenues and employed 450,000 workers in 2006.

    Madhusmita Bora can be reached at or (813) 225-3112.

    [Last modified August 22, 2007, 23:19:43]

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  • prioritydate
    07-25 12:11 PM
    May be true if they are doing other work, like working on the Family based immigration. But here I am talking about dedicated I-485 application processors. This is just an assumption. I am sure that USCIS have lot of employees than our assumption. I am sure that USCIS is lot more capable, and it they genuinely wants to speedify the process, they could. I sincerely hope that USCIS, with it's new revenue that it is going to get in August, would add workforce to process applications in a timely manner.


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  • needhelp!
    09-16 02:48 PM
    top priority to this one..

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  • watzgc
    09-18 04:45 PM
    Hi, can I use EAD for my current employer.. my h1b exten under process and taking more than 1 yr .... thanks

    NO. Once you start using your EAD, whether part-time of full-time, it take precedence and your H1 becomes invalid.


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  • forgerator
    04-29 03:39 PM
    The majority of people who return to their home countries do so due to family related reasons. America is still the land of opportunity and the best bet to earn big bucks.

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  • Saralayar
    05-19 01:57 PM
    Bullcrap....EB3 will become "U" in next one.

    Too many Desis....too many competition for visa numbers....EAD is my GC for next 5 yrs.
    Including you I think....;)


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  • ruchigup
    08-22 04:17 PM
    Why do u need them for gc ? Your 485 is already pending.
    Right now Baker McKenzie represent my I-485 case. After I am no longer with my current employer, I need to file G-28 to change my attorney representation.

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  • chapper
    11-11 03:29 PM (


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  • govind440
    08-29 10:28 PM
    Hi frnds,

    I used to work for a company A in california.. Boss is kind of using very bad language constantly and torchers almost everyday. Is there any1 who can help me out or has similar situations. Is there any1 that i can file a complain. Since he knew that I am on H1B and international student he was continuously abusing. any help would appreciated.


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  • GC092003
    04-18 11:57 AM
    yes, I punched it right. I changed last digit... it shows it is approved... of course, this is not my case number.. someone who has one number different..
    I am calling to a toll free number... I am so scare if they pull out my information and they might mess up by mistake... no?


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  • hebron
    08-16 02:50 PM
    Hi Hebron,
    I will get my money if i complain to DOL. But, do i have to stop working at the same client now. Will there be any problem if i continue working with the same client.

    You have a valid H1 with the new employer (client), so there should be nothing wrong working with the client.

    Have you or your client signed a contract with the parent company? If you have not signed a contract, there is nothing to worry. I would assume your client may have signed a contract with your parent company(old employer). If that's the case the issue is between you current employer (client) and you parent company (old employer).

    You may also want to check with your attorney.

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  • eager_immi
    01-31 01:44 PM
    aren't u contradicting urself?

    Revoking the previously approved I140 doesn't invalidate the H1 extension/transfer. But to get further extensions/transfers, you need A) labor pending for one year OR B) approved I140 from the new employer.


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  • miguy
    03-16 09:16 AM
    well, the connection is that if you get the Statement of Need from Canada, you can go to Canada to satisfy the 2 years j1-home residency requirement. While, if you get the SON from India, you would have to go to India. You have talked about plan B in your earlier post, I am a Canadian Citizen and my wife a Canadian PR(we live in Canada). So, if she gets a residency on J1, the worst is that she could come to Canada to satisfy the 2 yr requirement.

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  • xela
    06-10 12:51 PM
    It s been a while since i have said anything here, and mostly because it seems this has become a "everyones racist against indians" and everyone else isnt important kind of talk.

    while I understand most here are from India, please refrain from putting the ROW people down and make it sound like we have no wait at all. i ve been here since 2000 and started my green card process in 2003. I m just as frustrated, but I refrain from coming here and telling everyone how ROW should get all the good stuff and the rest can go to ....


    we should fax/email letters to lawmakers/senators from every angle. One way of doing this would be drafting a letter with the calculation and a quote " Just for Indians, and chinese nationality for rest of the world = 1year"

    We should be attacking in each and every angle so they get used to reading our issues and would come with a solution.

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  • WillIBLucky
    12-22 01:18 PM
    If you read clearly then it says that you can keep the PD in your new employer GC process. You may loose that opportunity only if there was a fraud in the previous I140 and USICS revokes that I140.

    once the alien’s Form I-140 petition has been approved, the alien beneficiary retains his or her priority date as established by the filing of the labor certification for any future Form I-140 petitions, unless the previously approved Form I-140 petition has been revoked because of fraud or willful misrepresentation.

    So if your current I140 is clean then you will be able to use the PD in your next application for GC with the new employer.

    When we change employer i think we can't keep the Priority date
    Its been clearly stated bolded when you change employer you will lose your 1-140 PD....any thoughts or am i misreading it.

    once the alien’s Form I-140 petition has been approved, the alien beneficiary retains his or her priority date as established by the filing of the labor certification for any future Form I-140 petitions, unless the previously approved Form I-140 petition has been revoked because of fraud or willful misrepresentation. This includes cases where a change of employer has occurred; however, the new employer must obtain a new labor certification if the classification requested requires a labor certification (see
    the section on successorship of interest).

    (A) Determining the Priority Date. In general, if a petition is supported by an individual labor certification issued by DOL, the priority date is the earliest date upon which the labor certification application was filed with DOL. In those cases where the alien’s priority date is established by the filing of the labor certification, once the alien’s Form I-140 petition has been approved, the alien beneficiary retains his or her priority date as established by the filing of the labor certification for any future Form I-140 petitions, unless the previously approved Form I-140 petition has been revoked because of fraud or willful misrepresentation. This includes cases where a change of employer has occurred; however, the new employer must obtain a new labor certification if the classification requested requires a labor certification (see
    the section on successorship of interest).

    04-10 04:41 PM

    WASHINGTON � U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today announced a preliminary number of nearly 163,000 H-1B petitions received during the filing period ending on April 7, 2008. More than 31,200 of those petitions were for the advanced degree category.

    USCIS expects next week it will conduct the computer-generated random selection process, beginning with the selection of the 20,000 petitions under the advanced degree exemption. Those petitions not selected under the advanced degree category will join the random selection process for the cap-subject 65,000 limit.

    USCIS will reject, and return filing fees for all cap-subject petitions not randomly selected, unless found to be a duplicate. USCIS will handle duplicate filings in accordance with the interim final rule published on March 24, 2008 in the Federal Register. USCIS will provide regular updates as the processing of FY 2009 H-1B cap cases continues.

    05-29 10:30 PM
    I have an emergency to go to India to take care of my sickly mom and I need to return back to work on July first. I am also trying to get emergency appointment. I couldnt. Could you please suggest the way I can get emergency appointment in any of the consulate.

    sent u a pm pls respond. thanks

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